Thursday, October 30, 2008




K.C.S.Arunachalam, who expired a decade ago, deserves an important place among the contemporary poets. He is a profound scholar in Tamil literature and a prolific writer .He was a dedicated worker of the Marxist movement and is adored by every Tamil as a prominent poet. His political affiliation to CPI did not bar him at any time to mingle with the literary world.

He always adopted a unique style in his poems. Depending on the content he used to vary the poetic diction. Many of his poems adopt Folk-meter and rural dialect. We can also see style of the classics in some of his poems. Changing the manner of presentation according to the matter is his style.

His compilation of poems was published in the title’Paattu varaatha kuil.”The Tamil phrase can not be easily translated in English. It gives several shades of meanings.’ A Cuckoo that has abandoned singing’, A Cuckoo that has left singing’,’ A Cuckoo that has become unable to sing’ and ‘A Cuckoo that is unable to sing’ are the eligible translations for use.

In this volume there is a poem under the same title. The content of the poem reveals that a Cuckoo, which was singing as usual, suddenly became unable to sing, because of various socio-economic factors. The poet uses first person to denote the cuckoo and it is understood that the poet considers himself as the cuckoo.

This cuckoo, nowadays,

Has become unable to sing.

Neither song nor tune and beat

Interests it.

People blame that

‘It has become dumb’

I do not understand matters

‘Why should I sing?’

‘For what purpose I have to sing?’

I baffle.

If I point out in my songs

The social problems and miseries

Nobody cares.

Communal discrimination

Lead to clashes and murders;

Heads roll down and murders continue

In the name of various religious saints

Atomic terrorism is sponsored by

Governments pretend to be democratic

Genocide is their procedure

To destroy the whole mankind.

Without any worry

You wander in vain!

Our life has become a comic circus

You have closed your eyes

In a drowsy state.

For some or

Other reason

This cuckoo is

Unable to sing.

The social inequalities,the atrocities committed by governments in the name of democracy and maintenance of peace have spoiled the mood of the cuckoo and as a result, it is now become unable to sing.

The poet in another poem asserts that nothing in the earth can prevent him from singing. Whereas in the previous poem the poet is in a depressed mood, here, in this poem titled ”A Hundred Cuckoos sing in my mind” he is seen in a highly elated mood.

“Nobody can

Prevent my singing.

Even if a thousand persons

Come against me

Holding drastic weapons

In their hands

Nobody can

Prevent my singing.

Even if I were blindfolded

And abandoned in a forest

Even if sand is thrust

Mercilessly in my mouth

Even if I were handcuffed

With heavy iron chains

I will sing a sweet song

And dedicate it to the earth.”

Thus proclaims the poet. Here the elated mood arises out of the strong hope that there will be a bright future for the whole mankind soon as a result of the working class and its dedicated task to usher in a socialist society.

A thousand Cuckoos

Sing in my mind,

And the heart is filled up

With happiness unbound.

These lines clearly express the jubilant mood of the poet.

The hope for a new dawn makes the poet feel happy.

In another poem the poet gives a call to other poets to join with him in his poetic mission.

‘Singing birds-come on

Perch on my shoulders’

is his invitation to the poets who are really optimistic about the certainty of the ushering in golden era.

The wicked Kali Yuga

Which felt happy to see us in tears,

And which bathed in our blood,

Is coming to an end.

A new dawn in the sky,

A quite new dawn

To give an auspicious light

Is about to rise.

The time has come to celebrate

The new happy occasion.

Singing birds come on

Sing along sing along

Sing with me-our

Songs are quite new

Tune and beat are

Entirely new.

Singing birds-come on

Sing with me”

is the call given by the poet to others who will accept the socialist realism as their policy, to create a New World devoid of violence and poverty.

1 comment:

Arudhran said...

Thanks for translating our grandpa's poem to English. This poem is well suited even for present and the future. We really appreciate and thank you for creating blog on him and enabling the whole world know about him and his poems.